How to Replace a Laptop Keyboard

Level of difficulty: Intermediate

There may be problems in a laptop keyboard that can be easily fixed, without costing the user additional expenses garnered by bringing the laptop to a service center. Replacing a laptop’s keyboard is a simple operation that needs minimal tools and skills that even those without enough knowledge and skills can do it. More often than not, problems such as misplaced keys, dirt under the keyboard, and more can be resolved by removing the keyboard, either just to clean it or repair it or by totally inserting a new keyboard.

Materials Needed:
- New laptop keyboard
- screwdriver
- laptop
- tweezers
Step 1
Make sure that the laptop is switched off and that the battery is removed. It is important to check where the battery is located and how to remove this by looking it up in the model’s instruction manual.
Step 2
Check the laptop and see which screws need to be unfastened to remove the laptop keyboard. Again, refer to the model’s instruction manual or call the support center or a computer repair shop to confirm this.
Step 3
After removing the screws and the keyboard bezel, you will see the exposed keyboard fastener attachments. Pull the keyboard gently away from the unit until it is entirely exposed.
Step 4
You will see a cable (the data cable) attached to both the keyboard and the unit’s system board. Carefully pull the cable plug until it comes out of its socket.
Step 5
Check the keyboard for what needs to be repaired. If it only needs cleaning, then do this by brushing away the dirt or grime collected in the keys. Do not use products containing alcohol or water to clean the keyboard; otherwise, a brush or soft cloth will suffice. If the problem seems to be the removal of several keys, assess the damage and check if it can still be fixed or if the entire keyboard needs to be replaced.
Step 6
After fixing or replacing the keyboard, return the cable plug into its socket. Do not forget to connect other cables if there are others still hanging. It is important to return all connections carefully.
Step 7
Slip the keyboard back in its case and replace the covers. Return the screws to their proper positions and screw them all securely. Be sure that before doing this, all cables and connectors are inside the unit’s covers.
Step 8
After replacing everything, connect the battery. Start the laptop and check if the keyboard is now in working order.