How to Set-up a Server

Level of difficulty: Difficult

Servers are generally computers used to process requests made by clients. These are largely popular in the Internet as Web or game servers. They are largely not much different from home computers, except they have greater capacity. They also have a higher Internet speed to be able to respond to requests faster.

Materials Needed:
- Server-enabled computer
- server Operating System
- HTTP server
- name server
- database server
- programming language
- FTP server
Step 1
Choose the computer to run the server. It must be able to handle large volumes of traffic without problems. Some manufacturers sell server machines built specifically to handle constant Internet requests. The chosen computer must also be able to handle multiple processes without crashing.
Step 2
Select the ISP (Internet Service Provider). The server needs to have constant Internet access, as this is how clients can access it. A large amount of bandwidth is needed so that multiple requests can be sent to the router.
Step 3
Install a server Operating System. These platforms have greater capacity. They allow the computer to handle all the received data. The system needs to be more stable, so that it will not suddenly crash. It should also be more secure. Servers handle more traffic and data than regular computers. They are also more prone to attacks by malware programs and hackers because they are easily accessible from the Internet.
Step 4
Choose and install an HTTP or Web server in the computer. This program receives and responds to requests over the Internet. It primarily hosts websites and facilitates how other people use them. Some can be used for virtual hosting, to serve more than one website with a single IP address. They can also store files needed to show Web pages.
Step 5
A name server also needs to be installed. These can be purchased from companies that sell domains. A name is registered with the IP address of the Web server hosting it. This allows users to access hosted Web pages via specific URLs.
Step 6
A database server must also be installed in the machine. This would hold the data needed to support websites and Web-based applications. A good database server would be able to support multiple-user access to handle user traffic.
Step 7
Create a database. This will allow the information stored in the system to be managed and accessed. A compatible programming language must also be installed. This is done so that the information, fields, and relationships described in the database can be configured properly.
Step 8
Select and subscribe to an FTP server. This is another remote computer that holds information for the Web server. It can be used to store image and video files that cannot be stored in the server itself. A link to the FTP server can be created using the programming language and the database server.