Month: January 2020

January 14, 2020

Using a free Windows registry cleaner, is it enough?

The Windows registry is essential for the operation of your computer. The registry is a central database of information needed to configure your system’s general settings and preferences, along with those of the software applications, hardware drivers and devices that run on it. As you continue changing preferences, or installing and uninstalling software and hardware, the registry expands, becoming more complex, and often fragmented, increasing […]

January 2, 2020

What should I look for in Windows registry repair software?

Good registry repair software will enhance your computing experience and eliminate related system seizures and crashes. By defragmenting your windows registry it should also optimize the way Windows stores information vital to the smooth operation of your system. Since a poorly designed registry repair application could cause more problems than it solves, there are a number factors that we recommend you consider before you decide […]