DriverPack Solution Online for PC

DriverPack Solution Online for Windows

v 17.11.28|Artur Kuzyakov

Technical Details

System Tuning & Utilities
Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 10
Artur Kuzyakov
6.43 MB


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Free driver updater for PCs

DriverPack Solution is a utility that scans your computer to find the best drivers for you to download. DriverPack will provide replacement programs for you to install once the software has identified outdated and missing drivers. The application is available as a network, online, and offline download for Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows XP computers.

Is DriverPack Online secure?

DriverPack is safe for you to use on your computer. However, DriverPack delivers third-party ads in your app that could pose privacy risks for your data. The ads are already available in the 'Drivers, Software, and Security tabs. To ensure that you don't install unwanted applications, you will need to uncheck the boxes you aren't interested in.

Although the apps are popular, it is risky to assume that you want the services already on your computer. DriverPack Solution is an open source project that you can use under the GNU GPL License. Although the modified editions may not be officially secure, you can secure download and install the original version.

Is DriverPack Solution cost-free?

DriverPack Solution was developed by Artur Kuzyakov and is available as a free download. Drivers can be used for many devices, including controller, printer, smartphone and video card, as well as webcams. DriverPack offers a large selection of driver options.

How do I download DriverPack Solution?

The driver manager can also be used for professional and personal purposes. This tool is ideal for technicians. The DriverPack Solution can be installed online, offline, or in a network edition. The Online installer will only allow you to download programs when you are connected to Wi-Fi. However, both Offline and Network options will allow you to work with your drivers even if there is no internet connection.

How do I use DriverPack Solution?

The driver updates will be highlighted in the right panel of the first screen. To perform an automatic setup, you will be asked to press the green button at the bottom of the screen. You can also click on the 'Expert Mode" button at the bottom of your screen, next to the gear icon.

"Expert Mode" will ensure that you are fully aware of the software being installed on your computer. The user interface is divided into four main sections. DriverPack provides driver, software, security and diagnostic services. The 'Diagnostics area contains information about your computer specs, such as manufacturers, temperature, and so on. The section will begin with a summary of your hardware, and software.

To ensure that you are seeing all relevant options, toggle the View installed and other drivers' and the View additional information’ switches located to the right of the 'Drivers’ tab. Each device will have a complete list of installed and recommended drivers. Within each section, there will be two programs: the 'Recommended' driver and the 'Current Driver'.

DriverPack will provide the recommended option. You can compare the versions listed at the end. You can either download the drivers or search for the version online by clicking the three dots to their right. DriverPack will create a restore point before the installation starts.

The steps for installing the driver will be listed in the "Items to Install" section at the bottom. The loading bar allows you to monitor the progress. The loading bar will display a screen that allows you to choose whether to continue installing drivers or stop the process. If there are additional programs to be updated, the drivers will appear on the right side.

Which driver updater is best?

Snappy Driver Installationer and IObit Driver Booster are both free utilities that allow you to update drivers for a better user interface. These apps scan your system to find outdated or non-existent programs and then suggest the best way to update them. Snappy can create an automatic reset point. IObit is capable of doing this, but Snappy will require you to activate the 'Create a restoration point' feature. Both tools work with Windows PC systems.

Service to optimize your drive performance

DriverPack scans your computer to find the best drivers to install from their extensive database. The platform can be translated into over 45 languages, including Arabic, Dutch and English, Greek, Koreans, Norwegians, Spanish, Turkish, Turkish, Turkish, Turkish, Spanish, Turkish, and more. You will be able to use your devices more efficiently with the freeware. Before any changes are made, a restore point will be created.

What version of DriverPack Solution is the most recent?

DriverPack is regularly updated to fix errors and other issues. The current software versions can be viewed on their website.