How to clean computer screen

Level of difficulty: EASY

There are several ways to clean the computer screen. Dust and pollution is a common nuisance in our daily lives and it is present in every place, so cleaning your computer everyday is necessary.

Materials Needed:
- Specialized tools
Step 1
1. Use a liquid that has alcohol or ammonia content. This is a traditional way of cleaning the computer, but if your computer is new, don’t take a chance with it.
Step 2
2. If your computer screen is not so dirty, you don’t have to do extensive cleaning, just use distilled water, wet a white soft paper or take cloth and rub it over the screen till the dirt comes out. Then to remove water marks, take a piece of paper and wipe it across the screen that will give it a shine.
Step 3
3. If there are very dirty stains on your computer screen, add few drops of white vinegar and mix it with distilled water, then use a soft paper to wipe the screen, vinegar removes stains. This will make the computer free of stains.
Step 4
4. If the computer screen has dust, just use a soft cloth or tissue paper to wipe the screen, no use of putting any water solution.
Step 5
There are also many cleaning formulas available in the market, you can use either of them which has detergent content and are specifically made for cleaning computer screens. Make sure not to spray any fluid near the ventilator holes on the monitor. While rubbing with a cloth, make sure to use a large piece that will minimize the risk of leaving streaks on the screen. You can even make your own liquid at home without using vinegar, ammonia or bleach. Make a cleaning solution with isopropyl alcohol which can have oil content, dilute it with 50% alcohol and 50% distilled water. Put it in a bottle which has a spray and your cleaning liquid is made.